Top 5 best camera mobile phones

Embark on a visual journey with our exploration of the Best Camera Mobile Phones. If you are on the quest for unparalleled photography experiences, you are in for a treat. As a photography enthusiast who cherishes moments captured through lenses, I am thrilled to share my insights on the top contenders. Delve into my experiences with the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, Google Pixel 8 Pro, Google Pixel 7a and Apple iPhone 15. In this blog, discover the nuances of their camera capabilities innovative features, and why each stands out in the competitive landscape. Let’s unveil the world of imaging excellence together!

Best camera mobile phones

  • Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra The best camera phone overall
  • Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max The best iPhone camera phone
  • Google Pixel 8 Pro The best camera with AI
  • Google Pixel 7a The best bargain camera phone
  • Apple iPhone 15 The best camera phone for most people

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra The best camera phone overall

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra mobile phone (2)

The S23 Ultra boasts an advanced camera system, including cutting-edge sensors and periscope zoom technology. It’s a powerhouse for capturing detail and depth.


  • Quad-camera setup with high-resolution sensors.
  • Periscope zoom technology for impressive zoom capabilities.
  • Advanced computational photography for stunning image quality.

Why You Should Buy:

  • Unparalleled Zoom: Ideal for photography enthusiasts who prioritize exceptional zoom capabilities.
  • Cutting-Edge Imaging: Offers advanced camera technologies for superior image quality.

Why You Should Avoid:

  • Premium Price Tag: The flagship features come with a higher cost.
  • Complex for Casual Users: Advanced camera settings may be overwhelming for casual photographers.

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max The best iPhone camera phone

iPhone 15 Pro Max mobile phone (2)

The iPhone 15 Pro Max continues Apple’s legacy with its advanced camera features, including Night mode advancements and ProRAW capabilities.


  • Enhanced Night mode for low-light photography.
  • ProRAW capabilities for advanced post-processing.
  • Improved AI for scene recognition and Smart HDR.

Why You Should Buy:

  • Creative Control: Ideal for photographers seeking advanced settings and post-processing capabilities.
  • Seamless Integration: Perfect for those already invested in the Apple ecosystem.

Why You Should Avoid:

  • Premium Pricing: High-end features come at a premium cost.
  • Limited Customization: Apple’s closed ecosystem might limit customization options.

Google Pixel 8 Pro The best camera with AI

Google Pixel 8 Pro mobile phone

Google’s Pixel 8 Pro takes computational photography to new heights. Its astrophotography capabilities and Super Res Zoom redefine what is possible with a mobile camera.


  • Astrophotography capabilities for stunning night sky shots.
  • Super Res Zoom for high-quality zoomed images.
  • Advanced AI enhancements for computational photography.

Why You Should Buy:

  • Computational Photography Mastery: Ideal for those who appreciate the science behind exceptional mobile photography.
  • Night Sky Photography: Perfect for capturing breathtaking shots of the night sky.

Why You Should Avoid:

  • Premium Pricing: Advanced camera features may come at a higher cost.
  • Limited Customization: Google’s ecosystem might limit customization options.

Google Pixel 7a The best bargain camera phone

Google Pixel 7a mobile phone

The Pixel 7a proves that exceptional camera performance does not have to come with a hefty price tag. It inherits Google’s prowess in computational photography.


  • Impressive camera performance at an affordable price.
  • Computational photography for enhanced image quality.
  • Google’s commitment to timely software updates.

Why You Should Buy:

  • Budget-Friendly Photography: Ideal for those seeking impressive camera performance without a premium price.
  • Timely Updates: Google’s commitment to software updates ensures a consistently improved user experience.

Why You Should Avoid:

  • Limited Premium Features: Some advanced camera features found in flagship models might be absent.

Apple iPhone 15 The best camera phone for most people

Apple iPhone 15 mobile phone

The iPhone 15 introduces groundbreaking camera features, including improved AI enhancements for better scene recognition and enhanced Smart HDR.


  • Improved AI for scene recognition.
  • Smart HDR for enhanced dynamic range.
  • Advanced camera system for versatile photography.

Why You Should Buy:

  • Cutting-Edge Imaging: Ideal for those seeking the latest advancements in mobile photography.
  • Seamless Integration: Perfect for those already invested in the Apple ecosystem.

Why You Should Avoid:

  • Premium Pricing: High-end features come at a premium cost.
  • Limited Customization: Apple’s closed ecosystem might limit customization options.

Things to do before buying best camera mobile phones

1. Photography Needs:

Assess your photography requirements. Whether you are a casual shooter or an avid photographer understanding your needs will guide your choice.

2. Camera Specifications:

Dive into the camera specifications. Pay attention to megapixel sensor types and additional features like optical image stabilization (OIS) and low-light capabilities.

3. Computational Photography:

Consider devices that excel in computational photography. Features like Night mode AI enhancements and advanced image processing can significantly enhance your photography experience.

4. Software Updates:

Prioritize devices that receive regular software updates. This ensures your phone stays equipped with the latest camera features and improvements.

5. Budget Constraints:

Define your budget. While high-end devices often boast the best cameras, there are mid-range options that offer impressive photography capabilities without breaking the bank.

6. Ecosystem Compatibility:

Consider your existing tech ecosystem. If you are already invested in a particular brand’s ecosystem (e.g., Apple or Google) choosing a device from the same brand might enhance overall compatibility.

7. User Reviews:

Explore user reviews to gain insights into real-world camera performance. Pay attention to feedback on specific camera features, such as low-light performance and zoom capabilities.

8. Comparison Research:

Conduct thorough comparisons between shortlisted devices. Evaluate camera samples read reviews and consider expert opinions to understand the nuanced differences.

9. Future-Proofing:

Assess how well the device aligns with future photography trends. Features like improved AI better low-light performance and versatile camera setups can contribute to the longevity of your device.

10. Test In-Store:

If possible, visit a store to physically test the camera. Experience the interface try out different modes and assess how intuitive the camera features are for you.

11. Accessories and Add-Ons:

Check for the availability of accessories and add-ons that can enhance your photography experience. This includes external lenses tripods and other photography gear.

12. After-Sales Support:

Consider the brand’s reputation for after-sales support. A reliable warranty and efficient customer service can be crucial if you encounter any issues with your device.

How many megapixels is good for a phone camera?

Detail vs. File Size:
Higher megapixels capture more detail but result in larger file sizes. Assess your storage capacity and usage patterns.
Printing Requirements:
If you frequently print large photos, a higher megapixel count (16MP and above) ensures sharper prints.
Sensor Quality:
A larger, high-quality sensor often contributes more to image quality than just the megapixel count.
Low-Light Performance:
Look for cameras with larger pixels or advanced low-light features if you prioritize excellent performance in challenging lighting conditions.
Lens Quality and Image Processing:
Consider the overall camera system, including lens quality and image processing capabilities, as they significantly impact the final image.

Which phone camera is best for night photography?

The Google Pixel series, particularly the latest models like the Pixel 6 and 8, excels in night photography. Google’s Night Sight feature, coupled with advanced computational photography, consistently delivers impressive results in low-light conditions. The larger pixels and optimized software contribute to capturing more light, resulting in detailed and well-balanced night shots. Key points to consider:
Night Sight Technology:
Google’s Night Sight technology utilizes advanced algorithms to enhance low-light shots significantly.
Computational Photography:
The Pixel series leverages computational photography to process multiple frames and reduce noise, resulting in clearer night images.
Optimized Software:
Google’s software optimizations play a crucial role in maximizing the camera’s potential for night photography.
Larger Pixels:
The phones often feature larger pixels, allowing for better light absorption and improved performance in challenging lighting conditions.
Consistent Performance:
Across various Pixel models, the consistent focus on night photography makes it a reliable choice for those who prioritize capturing moments in low-light environments.

Which phone has 100x zoom?

Space Zoom Technology:
The Galaxy S21 Ultra utilizes a periscope-style telephoto lens and advanced image processing to achieve 100x zoom.
Practical Usage:
While impressive the practical usability of 100x zoom is limited and image quality diminishes significantly at higher zoom levels.
Stabilization Challenges:
Maintaining stability at extreme zoom levels can be challenging, often requiring a tripod or steady surface.
Alternative Zoom Ranges:
The phone also offers more practical zoom ranges, such as 3x and 10x, which deliver better image quality.
Ongoing Advancements:
Keep in mind that newer phone models may have been released since my last update and it’s advisable to check the latest reviews for the most current information on smartphones with extreme zoom capabilities.


The world of smartphone cameras continually pushes boundaries and features like extreme zoom capabilities redefine our expectations. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra stood out with its 100x Space Zoom, showcasing the advancements in mobile photography. However, it’s crucial to consider the practicality of such extreme zoom levels, as usability diminishes and stabilization becomes challenging. As technology evolves, newer models may introduce further innovations. Whether it’s for capturing distant details or experimenting with creative photography, the quest for the perfect smartphone camera is an ever-evolving journey. Stay tuned for the latest updates in the dynamic realm of mobile photography.